Mid-Term Test

Mid-Term Test:

1. Please Explain Briefly about your understanding on Publipreneur Based Language Learning 
Publipreneur is a term that refers to individuals who combine public service with an entrepreneurial spirit. Publipreneur based language learning, therefore, involves using entrepreneurial principles to learn a language and make it a part of one's public service. In this approach, learners are encouraged to create projects, businesses, or initiatives that involve using the language they are learning to serve the public. The Publipreneur Based Language Learning (PBLL) approach has a general goal, which is to improve the understanding of reading, writing, listening, and speaking English in the business field. From this goal, specific objectives are further delineated, such as the ability to argue in written English. This highlights the importance of PBLL, especially for vocational education students in this era.

2. How can PBLL Influence and improve your reading skill? Give example
There's an interaction between the peruser and the content. This prepare includes
the reader's cognizant considering issue understanding and data looking for. This
prepare has the concept of perusing comprehension. Hence, perusing
comprehension as it were happens when the peruser can alter the reason, fathom
issues, and get data clearly from the content.

3. How can PBLL Influence and improve your writing skill? Give example
PBLL has contributed to the advancement of my composing abilities. Through this
approach, I have been able to memorize the proper spelling and utilization of words in
English. For case, when I am altering a text, I am compelled to discover out
the right spelling of the words utilized within the content. Another case is when I
got to make introduction materials where the substance must be precise and
free from mistakes because it can cause errors and deception.

4. How can PBLL. Influence and improve your listening skill? Give example
In addition to the skills mentioned earlier, PBLL also has an impact on my listening skills.
For example, when I attend group presentations that explain their project or when a teacher explains the concept of PBLL in English to the students.
By actively listening to these presentations, I can improve my listening comprehension and vocabulary.PBLL also emphasizes the importance of listening to feedback and engaging in dialogue with others.
Through group discussions and feedback sessions, I can develop my listening skills by actively listening to other people's perspectives and opinions.
This can help me to better understand different viewpoints and ideas, while also improving my ability to communicate effectively

5. How can PBLL Influence and improve your speaking skill? Give example
Presenting a product related to PBLL has also helped me improve my speaking skills.
For instance, during a product presentation by my team, I was required to articulate sentences in English correctly in front of the audience to ensure that my intended message was clearly understood.
This challenged me to improve my pronunciation and grammar, while also enhancing my confidence in speaking English in public.
By practicing these skills in a realworld context, I can develop my ability to communicate effectively in English, which is essential for success in the business world.

6. Please give verbal verification about project you edit
The book that I have edited this time has gone through several manuscript editing tests.
This becomes a reference for a book to be published.
I have admitted correctly that this book deserves to be published.

7. Please explain about editorial judgment on the project you edit
I pass judgment on what I've edited.
An example is a power point and my friend's proposal.
In terms of language rules, it is easy for readers to understand, sentences are coherent, and language is light.
This is thus an added value for an author to his work.


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