
Materi PBLL


Business Proposal


Mid-Term Test

Mid-Term Test: 1. Please Explain Briefly about your understanding on Publipreneur Based Language Learning  (PBLL) Publipreneur is a term that refers to individuals who combine public service with an entrepreneurial spirit. Publipreneur based language learning, therefore, involves using entrepreneurial principles to learn a language and make it a part of one's public service. In this approach, learners are encouraged to create projects, businesses, or initiatives that involve using the language they are learning to serve the public. The Publipreneur Based Language Learning (PBLL) approach has a general goal, which is to improve the understanding of reading, writing, listening, and speaking English in the business field. From this goal, specific objectives are further delineated, such as the ability to argue in written English. This highlights the importance of PBLL, especially for vocational education students in this era. 2. How can PBLL Influence and improve your reading skill? G


 hello my name is Evelyn Christiana can be called Evelyn I was born in Jakarta nineteen November two thousand and four i am eighteen years old I studied at Polymedia Creative Jakarta and took the publishing study program I come from SMA Suluh Jakarta I live in the Sunday market, South Jakarta and the material studied in semester one includes several materials namely 1. part of speech (adverbs, conjunctions, nouns, pronouns, articles, adjectives, prepositions, interjections, verbs) 2. capitalization and punctuction 3. writing paragraphs (narrative, description, expository, persuasive) 4. write a paragraph about the visit to the international Indonesia book fair or commonly called iibf